[Substratum] Outline Theme (Oreo)
1. Android Version & ROM: Supports Android 6 and 7 (no CM ROMs)
Android 6.0.X: Stock, Layers and OMS ROMs
Android 7.0.X: Stock and OMS ROMs
2. Display Density:
– xhdpi, xxhdpi or xxxhdpi device, most things should work on lower densities too
3. Theme Engine App:
– Substratum (min Version: 135)
Outline themes approximately 74 Apps:
Overlays for 41 Third Party Apps
Overlays for 10 System Apps
To see which apps are themed have a look here: https://goo.gl/2ZvIGT
Choose between many colors (Outline, Material & Pastel versions of most colors) and mix and match them by choosing your accent and primary color.
Color preview: http://goo.gl/SPrA4i
Community & Support: goo.gl/aBnG0m
Setup used for the screenshots:
Action Launcher 3 (https://goo.gl/ZGZR4U)
Magme icons (https://goo.gl/Mi25HX)
[Substratum] Outline Theme vNougat – Final (9.5) [Patched] APK / Mirror